Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What to Expect In the World of Network

What to Expect In the World of Network
A few things I want to talk about before we get into the meat of our discussion . . .
I want to tell you something that I have never read in any eCourse or eBook.


No matter what . . .

You’re going to make mistakes
You’re going to fail
You’re going to waste money
You’re going to waste time
You’re going to get frustrated.
It happens to us all. I can’t protect you from it and neither can anyone else. Its just part of
the learning process.
When it happens don’t think that you’re the only one. Just try to remember what
happened and try not to make the same mistake again.
Guess what though?
You’ll probably make the same mistake many times before you learn from it – that’s the
This article is only ONE thing
It’s a composite of my experiences – my successes and failures. I wrote this for
you to leverage what I’ve learned, so that hopefully you can achieve your goals faster
than I have.
I can guarantee you that if you use the information in this blog it will work. It may not
work for you all the time, but it will work most of the time and over the long haul.

Be persistent. Test everything you learn and use what works best for you and you’ll
find your success.
Your Ultimate Success . . .
The elements of ultimate success in network marketing are exactly the same as
the elements required for success in any other things:

· You must become a leader
· You must love your business
· You must attend your company’s training
· You must develop leaders

Your Ultimate Failure . . .

I cannot guarantee your success or failure with your business. No one can. But, ultimately
your failure occurs when and ONLY when YOU give up.
When you start hitting road blocks (and you will) and have thoughts like . . .
“Well that didn’t work for me, so I guess it just doesn’t work . . .”
or . . .
“Nothing ever goes my way, why does this always happen to me . . .”
And you believe these thoughts and let them stop you - YOU FAIL.
So be wary.
The Question of Duplication . . .

If you know anything about network marketing you know that you don’t make any
money unless those you recruit are able to duplicate your results.
This doesn’t change with network marketing. You don’t succeed with your
business unless your downline is able to duplicate your results.

But let’s be realistic and address this issue of duplicating your business by

discussing the #1 objection that people have to network marketing.

Those that disagree and don’t think you can grow a network marketing organization
using your ideas are wrong. It’s not their fault. They’re just old school. They learned
how to network market through their warm market and cold calling and that’s what they
know how to do.
Guess what?
That works too!
It’s just slower and you have to deal with a whole lot more rejection.
My aim is to help you to grow your network marketing organization quickly and with as
little rejection as possible.
One last key point:

Reject rejections, NOT objections.
You will get objections and that’s good. It just means that your prospects are taking a
good look at what you have to offer. Answer objections honestly and let the cards fall
where they may.
Good luck. next things soon.
Good morning!!

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