Sunday, November 18, 2007

Increase Passion To Find Your Success In eBIZ

Find Your Passion And Find Your Success In Network marketing- Mr.Faiyaz ali

This article is purely by the guidance of my upline Mr. Faiyaz ji... whose inspiration gave me this idea to put in words.

Is your confusion costing you dearly Did you get into network marketing or are you thinking about network Marketing for get rich quick!!

  • Why does passion equals profits
You are part of this great network marketing opportunity, you awake in the morning and think not again! You phone up a prospect and you rather much be playing on the computer.
You know you must call your downline to create a successful network marketing business, but end up saying you will do it tomorrow.
All these actions though may seem like procrastination are really about running a network Marketing which you don't have a feeling of passion for. If this happens your paycheque will reflect exactly that ~ lack and limitation.

Your passion for your Network Marketing home biz is the fuel that gives you 6 figure incomes while you keep you going forward in joy. Passion drives you forward when the money is low in the beginning of running your Network Marketing home business.

As I sit here today writing this article, and the weather is dull outside, and I feel like maybe write this article or not. However, why you now have this article in your digital hands is due to my passion.
When I started with my networkl marketing business(eBIZ), my passion got ignited. And though it took time to learn the ropes and start producing the success I sought, the only way I am able to see it is simply all due to my level of passion for my business and my team attached to it.
It takes a lot of passion to build billion dollar businesses. If you think for one second the Bill Gates, The Google Pioneers, and many other billion dollar businesses in the world started simply to get rich quick. You must be joking!!

  • ok,So How do I find my passion?
Look at what you love to do in your spare time. What do you do, which when you do that time flies
What did you like to do when you where 13-16 That can be a great indicator of your passion.
You have to search deep within yourself what you want from your life. If am aive what is the reason behind my existance?

However, the smae question i asked my mentor Mr. Mohit manjunath ji and he replies:
"I'll give you a million dollars tommorow. So now you're a millionaire. Congratulations! Now what??
What are you doing now that you are a millionaire
This will tell you your passion.

Now do things which fits that passion.Seek the inner potential which resonates with you."

  • Passion + Skills = A life of bliss
So you have found your passion. Now find your strengths, your skills, your individual traits.

Exactly like you have a fingerprint which out of the 6 billion+ inhabitants of this 3rd rock of the Sun i.e Earth, so do you have individual things that only you are capable of doing best in this world.
Could anyone create a windows operating system like how Bill Gates has blessed us with, even if they got there first?
Take your passion; you may need to increase your skills. It doesn't matter. Take your skills and improve on them, learn.

And apply.

You must make the leap, the leap of faith. As when you do your passion, life, higher power, and all there is will bless you with all you seek.
And the world can only look at your perfect life that you live.
As Mr. Malhan ji tells ~ "Live with PASSION".

In my next article to you, you will learn why 95% of people fail in network Marketing.

Till then...

Breakthrough to success,
Mahaneesh chandra

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What to Expect In the World of Network

What to Expect In the World of Network
A few things I want to talk about before we get into the meat of our discussion . . .
I want to tell you something that I have never read in any eCourse or eBook.


No matter what . . .

You’re going to make mistakes
You’re going to fail
You’re going to waste money
You’re going to waste time
You’re going to get frustrated.
It happens to us all. I can’t protect you from it and neither can anyone else. Its just part of
the learning process.
When it happens don’t think that you’re the only one. Just try to remember what
happened and try not to make the same mistake again.
Guess what though?
You’ll probably make the same mistake many times before you learn from it – that’s the
This article is only ONE thing
It’s a composite of my experiences – my successes and failures. I wrote this for
you to leverage what I’ve learned, so that hopefully you can achieve your goals faster
than I have.
I can guarantee you that if you use the information in this blog it will work. It may not
work for you all the time, but it will work most of the time and over the long haul.

Be persistent. Test everything you learn and use what works best for you and you’ll
find your success.
Your Ultimate Success . . .
The elements of ultimate success in network marketing are exactly the same as
the elements required for success in any other things:

· You must become a leader
· You must love your business
· You must attend your company’s training
· You must develop leaders

Your Ultimate Failure . . .

I cannot guarantee your success or failure with your business. No one can. But, ultimately
your failure occurs when and ONLY when YOU give up.
When you start hitting road blocks (and you will) and have thoughts like . . .
“Well that didn’t work for me, so I guess it just doesn’t work . . .”
or . . .
“Nothing ever goes my way, why does this always happen to me . . .”
And you believe these thoughts and let them stop you - YOU FAIL.
So be wary.
The Question of Duplication . . .

If you know anything about network marketing you know that you don’t make any
money unless those you recruit are able to duplicate your results.
This doesn’t change with network marketing. You don’t succeed with your
business unless your downline is able to duplicate your results.

But let’s be realistic and address this issue of duplicating your business by

discussing the #1 objection that people have to network marketing.

Those that disagree and don’t think you can grow a network marketing organization
using your ideas are wrong. It’s not their fault. They’re just old school. They learned
how to network market through their warm market and cold calling and that’s what they
know how to do.
Guess what?
That works too!
It’s just slower and you have to deal with a whole lot more rejection.
My aim is to help you to grow your network marketing organization quickly and with as
little rejection as possible.
One last key point:

Reject rejections, NOT objections.
You will get objections and that’s good. It just means that your prospects are taking a
good look at what you have to offer. Answer objections honestly and let the cards fall
where they may.
Good luck. next things soon.
Good morning!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The law of attraction – how does it work for Network Marketing

The law of attraction – how does it work for Network Marketing- MAHANEESH CHANDRA

Very few people are aware of the fact that the law of attraction work wonders for the network-marketing professionals. The law of attraction work wonders both for your personal and professional life.

The law of attraction says us that we get what we get what we think of. So, as per this law of attraction its advisable to think what we want rather than thinking about the thing which we don’t want.

At personal level, the law of attraction helps people to strengthen our relationships whereas at the professional level, it helps us to take-off our efforts to the pillars of success. But it is equally true that only a few people know how to use the universal law of attraction for the best outcome.

The universal law of attraction not only helps us to set the goals but it also helps us to plan for the well-defined and successful future.

Well there’s one thing that you must know about the law of attraction is the law of attraction is a theory that tells that ‘you get what you think of.’ In other words it says ‘like attracts like.’ In simple terms, it says if you think positive, positive things will happen to you and vice versa.

When you think something positive, you generate positive thoughts and attitudes and a positive vibration reaches into the universe and in turn you get what you think. The law of attraction says that your thinking generates vibration and this vibration reaches the universe. So, its often said that one must think good and positive.

The law of attraction is something that you think, visualize, focus and dream of. As its already said, ‘ you achieve and you become what we are today because you’ve first imagined it.’ Visualization is the key-ingredient that strengthens your ability to achieve something. It reduces the barriers between you and your goal.

Visualization is something that increases your proximities of achieving a thing by enabling your power through the law of attraction.

In other words, the short-cut key to achieve your dream goals is ‘visualization.’ Success can be yours when you know what you want and then visualize it. This is also applicable in case of MLM business.

The law of attraction work wonders when you think positively and you know what you want. Your first step should be positive thing. When you maintain a positive outlook towards everything in your life, the universe responds to that and it blesses you with the thing.
Remember your thinking affects your efforts and your efforts affect your outcome. If you think positive, positive vibrations will be drawn to you and obviously it exhibits passion and excitement towards your work. And your customers notice that excitement and passion in you.

It is one of the secrets that when you are confident, excited and passionate about what you are selling, your customer will get that excitement. And this generates positive and passionate feelings in them and thus they will invest money in your company.

The law of attraction works -

  1. When you think about what you want rather than thinking about the thing that you don’t want.
  2. When you think positively about what you want.
  3. Be specific about what you want.

Lets see how it works –

When you start any business, be specific about what you want, make it specific and then visualize it. You can even write down what you want and the work on it. Creating a Vision Board is a good idea. Set a goal for a certain amount of traffic (for online business), or number of prospects (for offline business) that you target to have in a specified amount of time, or set a goal for getting a certain amount of conversions in a month. Then use the law of attraction to make it happen.

The law of attraction is the most powerful and safest method to achieve what you have desired for a long. Just dream it, visualize it and it will be yours.

15 Tips on how to survive in the Network Marketing Business

15 Tips on how to survive in the Network Marketing Business

Network Marketing can help you make loads of money.

Of course. It can.

It is not hard to do but many people make it hard for themselves.

Every work either it may be studying, marketing, selling, buying etc. require lots of hard-work and careful planning. When you don’t know where you have to go then how will you reach your destination? A successful MLM home business plans determine your success or failure.

A strong and firm believe helps in achieving success.

1. Know your company or the sponsor (you are working for) thoroughly.

2. Never hesitate to speak up about your company or the product of your company, which you are representing.

3. You should be confident in what you are saying.

4. You must behave and act, in a manner as if you believe in what you say.

5. Customers don’t believe the person who does not believe in what you are saying.

6. Make your upline as your ideal and try to follow what they say

7. Make your down line comfortable and ensure them of their success.

8. Don’t make fake promises. Only make a promise when you believe it to be true.

9. The best and the advisable thing before you start a MLM business is to try out the products or services for yourself. This will makes to have a personal opinion about the product, which will help you promote and represent it in a better way.

10. Now if you are not satisfied with it, you will not recommend it to anyone. You will surely not selling something which is of poor quality and unsatisfying character.

11. The next important secret is to find out how successful your sponsor has been. Take in account the time that he has spent being in this profession.

12. It’s more important – check out whether your sponsor is interested in helping you or not. If no, you will have to make a harder attempt.
13. Actually MLM business is people’s business rather than products/ services business.

14. Before you actually begin a MLM business, make sure that you have sufficient knowledge and you are aware of everything that requires you to start a network marketing business.

15. And the most important of all, this MLM business is for you if you desire to earn in six figures and of course you have to attend all company meetings & teleconferences so that you will meet other marketers that will also pass on valuable tips to help you on your way.